
Frequent errors

User is not authentificated

You initialize a run and you get a warning

run = Run(name="Hello world", project="user/my-project")
User not authentificated. Use `hectiqlab add-profile` in command line.

First, execute hectiqlab add-profile in the shell and follow the instructions. If the error persists, check your credentials file

cat ~/.hectiqlab/credentials

It should contain your profiles, similar to

secret_api_key = "XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
username = "john-smith"
api_key_uuid = "XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX"

If you have multiple profiles in your credentials file, then the error may be due to an invalid default profile. You can either clean the profiles ~/.hectiqlab/credentials by removing invalid profiles (API key has been revoked) or specify the profile in hectiqlab:

import os
os.environ["HECTIQLAB_PROFILE"] = "john-smith"
import pyhectiqlab

If the error persists, try removing rm ~/.hectiqlab/credentials and run hectiqlab add-profile.

The data pushed is absent in the web app

The pyhectiqlab package pushed the data (metrics, artifacts, status, etc.) in the cloud on a separate thread to make sure your code is not slowed down by the lab. If a push request fails, pyhectiqlab catches and swallows the error so that your code can still be executed. Hence, you won't be noticed for the error. Note that errors could be due to incorrect pyhectiqlab usage or internal 500 errors from our side. In a future version, we'll let you manage the failures in the web app and logging the errors somewhere on your machine. Until then, if the data is not visible in web application, it's probably one of these reasons:

  • the application is down;
  • the data sent is corrupted or invalid;
  • your run is in dry mode. Check print(run.action_mode).