

Tags are useful to organize and filter your runs within a project. They can be attached to a run from the python client but also from within the web application.

Add a tag

First, let's create a run.

from pyhectiqlab import Run
run = Run(name="Hello world", project="lab/demo")

By default, the run doesn't have any tags. Attach a tag to the run.


If a tag with this name is already attached to the run, the run.add_tag will not detach the tag. To detach the tag, you must use the web application.



Run.add_tag(name: str, color: str = None)
Add a tag to the run. If the run has already this tag, do nothing.


namestr-Tag name.
colorstrNoneOptional HEX color of the tag. If specified, we recommend using dark or bright colors, instead of light colors, because an opacity is applied in the web application. If not specified, a color will be chosen from the default set.