Installation ​
The python client is available on pypi. You can install it with:
pip install pyhectiqlab
You then should be able to use the CLI:
hectiq-lab --help
The output should be:
Usage: hectiq-lab [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
👋 Hectiq Lab CLI. Documentation at
--help Show this message and exit.
Artifact.create Upload an artifact to a run.
Artifact.delete Delete an artifact. Download an artifact from a run.
Artifact.list List the artifacts of a run.
Artifact.retrieve Retrieve an artifact.
Dataset.create Create a dataset.
Dataset.delete Delete a dataset. Download a dataset synchronously
Dataset.exists Check if a dataset exists
Dataset.list List the datasets
Dataset.retrieve Retrieve a dataset
Dataset.update Update a dataset
Message.publish Publish a message.
Model.create Create a model
Model.delete Delete a model Download a model
Model.exists Check if a model exists
Model.list List the models
Model.retrieve Retrieve a model
Model.update Update a model
PackageVersion.all Get all packages and system information.
Project.create Create a project.
Project.retrieve Retrieve a project info.
Run.add_artifact Log a file as an artifacts.
Run.completed Set the run to the completed with success...
Run.create Creates a new run.
Run.exists Check if a run exists.
Run.failed Set the run to the failed status.
Run.pending Set the run to the pending status.
Run.rename Rename the run with a new title.
Run.retrieve Retrieves a run from the server.
Run.retrieve_by_id Retrieves a run from the server.
Run.retrieve_config Retrieve a config from a run.
Run.retrieve_config_by_id Retrieve a config from a run.
Run.running Set the run to the running status.
Run.set_category Set the category of the run.
Run.set_status Set the run to the given status.
Run.stopped Set the run to the stopped status. Set the run to the training status.
Tag.attach_to_dataset Attach a tag to a dataset.
Tag.attach_to_model Attach a tag to a model.
Tag.attach_to_run Attach tags to a run.
Tag.create Create a new tag.
Tag.detach_from_dataset Detach a tag from a dataset.
Tag.detach_from_model Detach a tag from a model.
Tag.detach_from_run Detach a tag from a run.
Tag.list Get tags.
authenticate Authenticate to the Hectiq Lab.
Next step is authentication. Go to the authentication page to learn how to authenticate with the CLI.